BRONZE AWARD - RMW Web Publishing
This time it's our turn. Australian Web Designers Network has awarded us a bronze medal in the Website Awards our homepage. At present our site is merely a placeholder for a much larger site it does serve a very important job. The site is coded using the web standards and is quick loading showing our developer expertise. A fun feature of the site is a simple JavaScript function which allows you to view the site with a variety of different background colours (hover your mouse over the coloured squares on the left of the footer). The site also allows visitors to sample some of our recently designed sites and contains a contact form to allow users can contact us for further information. There is also a simple 'client' page that allows our clients to login and make instantaneous changes to their own websites.
You may be wondering why a web development business such as ours has such a small site. The reason is quite simple; we are too busy building sites for others. The website has been kept simple so that we can continue to put our customers first. But we are working on a bigger, more informative site (and have been for long time - in our "downtime") and hope to have it ready for the May CSS Reboot. The CSS Reboot is a day when web professionals around the world collectively update the design of their sites which is very easy to do when your site's presentation is controlled entirely by a single CSS file.
RMW Web Publishing would once again like to thank Australian WebDesigners.Net for their continued support and recognition. We would also like to thank all our site visitors and clients. Thank you and be sure to visit the site again soon.
Labels: award, award webdesigners medal
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